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Antleron second best scale-up at the Leuven Innovation Awards


On the 11th of June, the Leuven Innovation Awards took place, organized by the Leuven Value network. Nominees in 4 categories, best start-up, best scale-up, best agency, and best NGO, were contending for prizes.

A beautiful venue, the Irish College in Leuven, and presence of top Leuven innovators, made for a lovely Saturday evening, boosted by the friendly-competitive spirit of the awards.

A pitch session preceded the announcement of the winners, giving the audience a chance to listen to various stories of innovation.

We are proud to have been chosen as the second best Leuven scale-up. This recognition of our work to accelerate healthcare is an important signal to our team that we are on the right track. Our congratulations go out to all the winners, and other finalists. As was often mentioned during the event, in the end we are all winners for working in such a dynamic and innovative environment, for a better future for all.

It is great to see initiatives like the Leuven Innovation Awards popping up, giving a boost to the local ecosystem and additional chances to network and exchange ideas. Thank you, Leuven Value Network, for being a platform that facilitates this exchange!


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