The Life-on-Chip virtual conference, co-organised by Antleron, starts on February 23, 2021.
Tune in to listen and discover cross-over innovations in health and medicine. Antleron CEO Jan Schrooten moderates the opening Visionary Seminar and is panelist during the wrap-up session on converging technologies in healthcare. Check out the complete agenda here.

Do you want to know more about the latest cross-over innovations in medicine and life sciences? Then surely attend the third ‘Life-on-Chip Conference - Exploring the Convergence in Health Technologies’.
Antleron co-organizes the event together with Smart Hub Vlaams-Brabant, (DSP Valley,, MedTech Flanders), VIB, BioWin, EIT Health and imec.

Micro- and nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, design thinking, robotics, novel manufacturing technologies and big data have made major impact across all industries. But perhaps their greatest potential for innovation will be in health and life sciences. Combined with ever-growing biological insights and discoveries, these innovations may result in amazing applications that can change the healthcare system.
You are invited to watch testimonials of roads travelled and lessons learned from pioneering researchers, entrepreneurs and first application movers. Attend a visionary seminar on nanotech in health and four thematic sessions covering how to increase efficiency in the healthcare system. This is made possible by introducing new technologies, healthtech solutions for patient-specific treatment, digital diagnostics & therapeutics, and progress made in medicine and healthcare. A crash course on internationalization in health and life sciences, matchmaking (B2Match) and virtual booths, abstracts and posters will also be part of the program.
Antleron is on a mission to fast track regenerative medicine innovations and personalized advanced therapies from lab to patient. We co-create end-to-end solutions to accelerate the engineering of advanced therapies, change healthcare and result in a better life for all. Here you find a selection of innovations Antleron is currently working on:
BioScout®, custom cell-culture based biofunctionality screenings covering applications from biomaterials to medical devices
Cell by Design®, a cloud-based software product developed together with QbD, enabling organizations to adopt a quality-focused ATMP development process through risk-based process assessments.
Persomed, a VLAIO-supported ICON consortium and venture developing a cost and time efficient personalized colorectal cancer vaccine.
Key topics
Health and life sciences
Personalized medicine
Micro- and nanotechnology
Artificial intelligence
Design thinking
Novel manufacturing technologies
Big data
Visionary Seminar on Nanotech in Health & Life Sciences Tuesday, 23rd of February, 2021 (03:00pm - 05:00pm) Thematic sessions Wednesday, 24th of February, 2021 (09:00am - 05:00pm) Crash Course towards Internationalization in Health & Life Sciences Thursday, 25th of February, 2021 (01:30pm - 04:00pm) Matchmaking (B2Match) Tuesday 23rd - Thursday 25th, February 2021
Why attend?
Make new connections during networking moments and B2B meetings
Meet international partners and experts
Discover Flanders’ technology communities in, amongst others, life sciences, health, micro- and nanotechnology and space
Work together on new cross-over solutions in healthcare
Join forces with equally innovative and groundbreaking European partners
Who should attend?
SMEs including startups, large companies, research institutes, cluster organisations and other stakeholders active in technology, life sciences and healthcare.